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    hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Squabby Bobby

    Posts : 58
    Age : 24
    Location : Redfern

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Senna Selway-Sommers Thu Aug 24, 2017 8:32 pm

    It was a weekend, and Senna was spending this one in Solas. She liked spending weekends on the mainland as often as possible, because while Martha's Vineyard was okay and all, there was only so much to do there. And having spent most of the last seven years there, Senna felt like she'd done it all by now. The mainland had much more to offer.

    She never put much planning into these trips. She'd pack a weekend's worth of clothes and whatnot into a backpack, take a boat or balloon to Solas, and go from there. Sometimes she hopped a train to another city, but she was a little short on cash, so she'd have to stay in Solas this time if she wanted enough money to get back to MV.

    Today, Senna found herself in a cool little park she'd never been to before. It was a nice fall day, and the leaves were changing colors on all the trees. She'd just finished a trail that ended at a grassy field where a bunch of clio were out with their dogs. Aw! It was a dog park. Senna watched them for a bit and was about to go look for another trail when one of the puppers ran up to her, tail a waggin'.

    "Aw, hey puppy," Senna greeted the pooch, holding out her hand for it to sniff. She looked up and saw a girl walking towards them, presumably the dog's owner? Whoever she was, she was pretty attractive. "This your pupperino?" she asked Cute Girl.
    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Frances Warren Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:03 pm

    Frances had gotten back to Solas in one piece earlier this week after traveling to Martha's Vineyard with her program. Coming back from MV was always bittersweet for her -- it was great to have some quiet time to herself after being with the kids for days on end, but having to leave Poppy for an unknown amount of time was always sad. She hoped someday they might be able to actually live closer...maybe after Poppy graduated.

    Getting back to her regular schedule, Frances had jogged to the park and through a few trails with her dog, Deneaux, before letting him roam around the dog park to get the last of his energy out. She worked sporadic hours, but always made sure to go on adventures with him on her days off, which included at least one day during the weekend (thank gods).

    Deneaux usually ran up to other dogs at the park and took part in the butt-sniffing ritual, but today he ran up to a stranger that didn't have an accompanying dog. Frances would consider this peculiar, but what was more peculiar was that a clio was hanging out without a dog. She didn't blame her though, the dog park was a fun place to be.

    "Yep, he's mine," Frances said with a laugh. Deneaux was excited and friendly, as usual. "That's Deneaux, but you can call him D, or Deni, or just Dog works too, heh."
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Squabby Bobby

    Posts : 58
    Age : 24
    Location : Redfern

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Senna Selway-Sommers Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:47 pm

    As Senna knelt down to pet Deneaux, he excitedly jumped up and licked her face. Senna laughed. "Friendly lil guy," she commented, standing back up. "Makes me wish I had a dog! Maybe after I graduate."

    She realized Cute Girl might wonder why she was here at a dog park without a dog. "I was just taking this trail through the woods and sorta stumbled here on accident," she explained. She also realized she had started a conversation without even introducing herself. "I'm Senna, by the way."
    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Frances Warren Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:21 pm

    That's Poppy's older sister's name, Frances noted, finding that kind of funny. She hadn't heard the name very often.

    "I wouldn't have judged you even if you'd come here on purpose," she replied with a kind smile. "I'm Frances, it's nice to meet you! Are you attending Arcus? I've been there for about a year, I'm hoping to graduate soon."

    Arcus was the small nearby community academy in Solas where Frances was completing her studies. Graduating wasn't exactly a necessity in Amelia -- Frances had a job already and could find a lot of other work opportunities -- but she genuinely enjoyed learning new things, and it helped that school came easily for her as well.
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Squabby Bobby

    Posts : 58
    Age : 24
    Location : Redfern

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Senna Selway-Sommers Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:38 pm

    "Nope, Redfern. I'm just in Solas for the weekend," Senna said, assuming Arcus was some local school.

    Down by her feet, Paz nudged Senna's leg. Hey, she said her name was Frances! she said.

    So? asked Senna.

    That's the name of Poppy's best friend, Paz said, rolling her eyes. Don't you ever listen when your sister talks to you?

    Oh! "Wait, Frances? You wouldn't happen to be friends with Poppy Selway-Sommers, would you?" she asked. Now that Paz had pointed it out, Senna did remember Poppy going on about her super cool friend from Solas. Unless this was a totally different Frances, but it wasn't exactly a common name. And if it was a different girl, then oh well.
    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Frances Warren Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:54 pm

    "Wait, Frances? You wouldn't happen to be friends with Poppy Selway-Sommers, would you?"

    "Oh my gods are you her older sister?!" Frances asked excitedly. She had just assumed that some random woman she met in a Solas dog park wasn't Poppy's sister, but this was amazing! "It's so nice to meet you! I've heard so much about you!"

    Frances had actually heard a lot of...not great things about Senna, but she was aware enough to differentiate little-sister-problems from actual issues, and had heard a lot of subtle hints that Poppy looked up to Senna. Also, wow Poppy's sister was attractive.
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Squabby Bobby

    Posts : 58
    Age : 24
    Location : Redfern

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Senna Selway-Sommers Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:13 am

    "That's me," Senna said with a half-smile. "I'm sure Poppy told you all great things, right?" she laughed. Her and Poppy got along, but they often teased and joked with each other for fun. And like any sisters, they got on each others' nerves from time to time. She could only imagine the stories Poppy would have told her best friend about her.

    "She's mentioned you too," she added. "According to her, you're the coolest clio alive." She had to admit, Frances did look like she had a pretty cool style. Senna liked her look. "Oh, and it's nice to meet you too, by the way."
    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Frances Warren Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:45 am

    Frances blushed and laughed. "Poppy would say that," she said softly. "She's definitely said...some things about you..." Frances trailed off a bit, wanting to be honest but not too honest. "She's a typical little sister, but she's my best friend," she said with a shrug and chuckle.

    "But I know she thinks highly of you, no matter what she says," Frances said, nodding and smiling.

    "So what are you doing in Solas? Just hanging out?" she asked curiously. Solas seemed like a far place to visit just for the weekend.
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Squabby Bobby

    Posts : 58
    Age : 24
    Location : Redfern

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Senna Selway-Sommers Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:35 pm

    Senna had to laugh at the way Frances felt the need to assure her that, no really, whatever Poppy says, she really does like you! Poppy must have told her some awful stories, then. Oh Poppy. "Trust me, you don't have to sugarcoat what she's said about me," she said, shaking her head in amusement. She wasn't a sensitive soul like her brother.

    "Exploring, I guess you could call it," she said, readjusting her backpack. "The island gets a little boring so I like to get away when I can."
    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Frances Warren Sat Aug 26, 2017 3:31 pm

    "Yeah alright, you definitely know her well enough, heh," Frances replied. "She hasn't told me anything too embarrassing." Deneaux still had a bit of energy left and started jumping up on Frances' legs to get her attention, practically begging to go do something. "Okay, buddy," she said, nodding along to what Senna was saying.

    "Well I've lived her for a while now, so I know my way around -- I could show you some cool places if you want? Maybe we could grab some food if you're hungry, I know of some good hole-in-the-wall places that are dirt cheap!"
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Squabby Bobby

    Posts : 58
    Age : 24
    Location : Redfern

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Senna Selway-Sommers Sat Aug 26, 2017 5:25 pm

    "Honestly, that would be amazing," Senna said with a thankful smile. No one knew the best places a city had to offer more than the locals. "I'll take a good hole-in-the-wall over some tourist-y place any day."

    So Frances gathered up her dog and together they all made their way out of the park, heading into town. Senna followed Frances, the two of them chatting casually the entire way. Senna could see why Poppy liked Frances, she was really easy to talk to.

    "So Arcus, huh?" Senna was asking as they turned a street corner. "You play any sports there, or anything?"
    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Frances Warren Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:25 pm

    "Nah, I've never been very good at sports. I'm not competitive enough...or fit enough," Frances said, glancing at her thin little frame. "Anyway, Arcus is so small that I'm not even sure they have sports. I do enjoy running though, and go on lots of adventures with Deni."

    They were almost to the restaurant, which was called Armand's and was run by an older man from Dahlin (named Armand) who always visited each table and made sure each and every customer's food was good and order was made perfectly. Frances had gotten to know him over the past year and had heard some fantastic stories about Amelia, the war, and the man's life. Frances was excited to introduce Senna to him...she'd never brought in a friend before.

    "How about you? Do you play sports at Redfern?"
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Squabby Bobby

    Posts : 58
    Age : 24
    Location : Redfern

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Senna Selway-Sommers Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:54 am

    Frances wrote:"Nah, I've never been very good at sports. I'm not competitive enough...or fit enough. Anyway, Arcus is so small that I'm not even sure they have sports. I do enjoy running though, and go on lots of adventures with Deni."

    "I'm probably too competitive, myself," Senna said. What could she say, she liked to win. But it also gave her a strong drive to succeed and improve herself. Whenever she lost a game, she practiced twice as hard for the next one. "But I love running too! Maybe the next time I'm in Solas we could be running buddies."

    They arrived at the restaurant, Armand's, and seated themselves per the sign right inside the door. It was a small place, but it definitely had charm and personality. Senna liked it immediately.

    Frances wrote:"How about you? Do you play sports at Redfern?"

    "Oh yeah, it's pretty much my life there," Senna said with a laugh. When it came to sports vs. academics, sports always came first. "Especially e-ball." E-ball was an eilemaiden specific sport that was played differently depending on your eilemaiden. The Adhbhar version was similar to soccer, where the idea was to score goals at either end of the field. Players could only use their eilemaiden certain ways in certain zones on the field, and only the ball could be manipulated. A player couldn't wield it to trip up another player or anything without a penalty.
    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Frances Warren Mon Aug 28, 2017 5:45 pm

    "Maybe the next time I'm in Solas we could be running buddies."

    Frances nodded and smiled, excited that she was making another friend. She thought Senna would remind her a lot of Poppy, but that wasn't the case at all -- Senna was much more mature and had a lot of different interests. Frances was really enjoying their time together.

    "Yeah, and I'm on Martha's Vineyard a lot for work. I'm able to visit Poppy pretty often, maybe I could come by one of your games sometime! I don't think I'd make a great cheerleader, though -- I'm too quiet, heh."

    "Frances, my boy!"

    A short, plump man with a large mustache and gray beard came from the kitchen with a huge smile on his face and flour and stains of sauce all over his apron and shirt. He kissed Frances' head and put his hand on her shoulder.

    "Hi Armand," she said sweetly. "This is Senna, she's visiting Solas from the island."

    "Ah, Senna!" Armand boomed. "Welcome, welcome!" He turned to Frances, as if he were whispering but he was absolutely not. "You bring a date to my restaurant? I'm honored!"

    Frances shook her head, obviously embarrassed and a little red. "No, Armand, she's not --"

    "You get the special, on the house," he interrupted, whipping his hand towel on the table abruptly to wipe it off while winking at Senna. "You want wine?"
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Squabby Bobby

    Posts : 58
    Age : 24
    Location : Redfern

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Senna Selway-Sommers Mon Aug 28, 2017 6:13 pm

    "Hell yeah, we'd love some wine. Thanks man," Senna said, deciding immediately that she liked this guy. She reached out to shake his hand. He grabbed her hand with both of his and shook her entire arm vigorously. "It's nice to meet you, by the way!"

    "The pleasure is all mine. I'll bring a sweet red, for the sweet couple," Armand promised, before hurrying off back to the kitchen.

    Senna looked back at Frances, who had the most adorably blushy face right now. "I guess we're on a date now," Senna said with a grin and wink.
    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Frances Warren Tue Aug 29, 2017 12:58 am

    Frances giggled nervously at the interaction between Armand and Senna, but her mouth dropped a little when Senna declared date-status.

    "Wait, really?" she asked, unable to tell if Senna was being serious or just playing along with Armand. Even though Frances was glad to be making a friend, Senna was still Poppy's sister. She wasn't sure, but she had heard something about siblings being off-limits for best friends to go on dates with. Also she had no idea if Senna was actually gay or not. She tried to remember Poppy saying anything, but she was too nervous to think about that. Had she accidentally fallen into a really nice date with her best friend's attractive and cool older sister??

    Fortunately, Frances came off a lot calmer than her state of mind. "Either way, I'm sure Poppy wouldn't be pleased to know we've gone on a date, let alone met each other without her knowing about it and setting it up herself." She rolled her eyes and laughed lightly. She loved Poppy, but they were so close that she imagined Poppy might be a bit jealous to find out they'd connected without her.
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Squabby Bobby

    Posts : 58
    Age : 24
    Location : Redfern

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Senna Selway-Sommers Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:58 pm

    Frances wrote:"Wait, really?"

    "Sure, why not?" Senna replied casually. She'd totally be down with making this a date. Of course, Frances might not feel the same way. "Unless you're not cool with that, of course."

    Frances wrote:"Either way, I'm sure Poppy wouldn't be pleased to know we've gone on a date, let alone met each other without her knowing about it and setting it up herself."

    "Hm." Senna smirked a little, knowing Frances was absolutely right about that. "Poppy's a tough cookie, I think she'll be able to handle the revelation."
    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Frances Warren Sat Sep 02, 2017 2:59 pm

    "No, no! That's great, dates are great, yeah," Frances smiled a little nervously while she somewhat rambled. She hadn't been prepared to go on a date! She had been set up by Poppy with a couple students from Redfern here and there over the years, but nothing had ever come of them and she had actually asked Poppy to stop because of how awkward and dead-ended they were.

    But this was...a real date.

    As she opened her mouth to respond to Senna's comment about Poppy, Armand flew out of the kitchen with a bottle of wine and two glasses. He showed them the bottle and Poppy nodded, as if she had any idea what different types of wine meant. Armand's grin widened, he poured the wine, dashed back into the kitchen, and came out in the blink of an eye with a clay bowl filled with homemade chips, accompanied by two smaller bowls filled with salsa and guacamole.

    "Is appetizer," she said proudly with a nod. "Enjoy!"

    "Thank you," Frances replied. After Armand left, she dug right in. "Armand is from Dahlin," she started, dipping the chip in the guac. "His specialty is Dahlin-style street tacos. That'll probably be the main dish...I'm not sure though, I've never gotten the special." As she popped the chip into her mouth, she let out an mmmmmmm.
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Squabby Bobby

    Posts : 58
    Age : 24
    Location : Redfern

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Senna Selway-Sommers Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:22 am

    Frances wrote:"No, no! That's great, dates are great, yeah."

    Senna's face lit up. She was pretty happy that she had somehow managed to fall into an accidental date with such an attractive clio. Thank you, Armand! she thought, silently thanking the restaurant owner for declaring their date-status.

    As if on cue, Armand reappeared with a bottle of sweet red wine, pouring them each a generous glass. He then ran off and came back just as quickly with some chips and dip as an appetizer. Senna tried some as Frances mmmmed. "Oh my gods, this is amazing," she said of a guacamole. "So this is officially my new favorite restaurant."

    The two ate and chatted for a while, as Armand popped in and out every so often to check on them and to bring their meals, which were indeed Dahlin-style street tacos. By the end of it they'd eaten everything and finished off the wine. As a very tall girl who was no stranger to drinking, she wasn't exactly drunk, but the wine had given her a warm and light feeling. "You know, I'm really glad I randomly met you today," she told Frances.
    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Frances Warren Tue Sep 05, 2017 2:48 am

    "You know, I'm really glad I randomly met you today."

    Frances felt like her smile was completely out of her control. She couldn't stop if she wanted to at this point.

    "Me too," she replied, feeling considerably more confident now. Maybe it was the time that had passed...more realistically it was the wine they had shared. "I wish we could spend more time together. When are you heading back to the island?"

    You should invite her over, Saffron suggested from a nearby perch. Frances almost blushed just at the idea. But wow, she really wanted to.

    Frances wished that Poppy were here to talk her in or out of a decision. Frances wanted to kiss Senna all over, invite her back to her little apartment, cuddle in the bed that had only known Frances and Saffron (and mostly Frances because even Saffron wasn't much of a cuddler).

    But was that too fast? What if Senna wanted to hook up? Was Frances ready? Did she want to?

    I know you do, Saffron said, trying to act as a stand-in Poppy. Poppy would definitely tell Frances to follow her gut and do what felt right...right?

    Ugh, dates!
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Senna Selway-Sommers
    Squabby Bobby

    Posts : 58
    Age : 24
    Location : Redfern

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Senna Selway-Sommers Wed Sep 06, 2017 7:38 pm

    "The end of the weekend, I s'pose," Senna replied. "So I'm here for one more day at least." She also wished they had more time. The last thing she wanted was for this chance encounter to go nowhere because Senna had to go back to Martha's goddamned Vineyard. Obviously Frances made it to the island every so often for her job and to see Poppy, but still. Harumph.

    Armand came out with their checks, insisted the wine be on the house, and shook Senna's hand vigorously again as she and Frances headed out.

    The sun was beginning to set. She wondered what Frances wanted to do next. Sure they'd hit it off, but they had only just met each other. "So, you live around here?" she asked. "I can walk ya home." She decided she'd leave the ball in Frances' court when it came to what they'd do when they got there.
    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    hey, you look kinda cute -frances- Empty Re: hey, you look kinda cute -frances-

    Post by Frances Warren Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:38 am

    "Yeah, I don't live too far," Frances said happily, getting Deni ready to go with them. "That'd be great, I'd love to show you my place."

    The two continued to chat as they meandered back to Frances' small apartment, which was cluttered but cozy and adorably lived-in. Frances had some leftover alcohol laying around the apartment, which the two shared while playing silly board games all night (which Frances had a decent collection of). Frances and Senna talked for hours, which was surprisingly easy for Frances -- this accidental date was the most comfortable she'd ever actually been on a date.

    As it got later, Frances suggested that Senna stay at her place, which Senna accepted. The two fooled around (Frances a bit clumsily) in Frances' room, eventually falling asleep drunkenly tangled in each other's bodies with Deneaux at the foot of Frances' bed.

    Frances dreamt of showing Senna around the orphanage she'd grown up in, though in her dream Senna somehow knew everything Frances tried to introduce her to and the orphanage wasn't the one Frances knew, but in her dream it was -- and in her dream Senna was casual and fun and engaging and intriguing, which was exactly what Frances thought of her outside of dreaming. And in her dream, they kissed.

    Frances woke up smiling because of her dream, only to broaden her smile as she actually woke up next to Senna. Throughout the night their bodies had separated, but seeing Senna asleep next to her gave Frances a bizarre sense of home that she'd rarely experienced. She was relieved that Senna hadn't pressured her into having sex, but instead was genuinely happy to go with the flow of the night. Senna made Frances feel so comfortable, and everything about the entire night felt effortless.

    You cheeseball, Saffron said, completely amused by this chance encounter that had gone so well. While Saffron poked fun, the daemon was positively surprised that Frances had found someone so in sync with her vibe.

    Once both of the clio were up and moving, and after some home-brewed coffee, they decided to grab some breakfast before exploring more of Solas' local secrets with Frances serving as a tour guide. Frances wanted to spend a million more days exploring all of Amelia with Senna, but obviously that was unrealistic and eventually the two had to part. They did so with plans to meet up again soon, and after Senna was out of sight, Frances jumped with energetic joy at the feeling of infatuation that filled her entire body.

    "Wow!" she exclaimed, completely in awe. ""

    "Wow!" Saffron cawed, and the two danced in the streets of Solas as they headed home.

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