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    sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Frances Warren Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:34 pm

    Frances had arrived from Solas to Martha's Vineyard late last night with a group of kiddos, youth, volunteers, and fellow staff members with the Kids program. While she would have loved to meet up with Poppy when she arrived, she had been designated as a chaperone for the Solas and Ughdarras kids that night and wasn't able to get away.

    But not tonight!

    Even though Frances had been up since an absurd hour this morning and had herded and wrangled kids around the island for probably about 12 hours straight, she still managed to find herself energized and bursting with excitement to finally see her best friend again. Frances headed to their favorite hang-out spot, the lighthouse, with a wicker picnic basket filled to the brim with leftovers from the Kids annual program dinner and a couple bottles of champagne.

    Frances always felt like she was preparing for a date when she met up with Poppy. Maybe her perpetual crush on her best friend had something to do with it, or Poppy's generally flirty nature which never ceased to confuse Frances, or maybe the fact that they usually met at this isolated and empty abandoned lighthouse with a stunning view of the sunset.

    Frances cursed her relentless need to be romantic and over-prepared as she glanced down at the probably unnecessary picnic basket, which came prepared with small cups, cutlery, and plates for the fancy food she'd brought. And champagne? Really??

    Frances had no genuine interest in dating Poppy, and she had realized long ago that it would never happen (and wouldn't be successful even in Poppy were interested, she'd calculated / convinced herself), but Poppy still gave her butterflies. Fortunately, she also gave Frances a relieving sense of familiarity, stability, and connection, which had been hard for Frances to come by in her life. They had built a genuine and long-lasting bond quickly as kids, and Frances couldn't ask for a better relationship with her.

    Oh gosh, now she was smiling dumbly as she reminisced about their sparse but extravagant adventures over the last five years. Saffron giggled from her perch on Frances' shoulder as she blushed lightly.
    Poppy Selway-Sommers
    Poppy Selway-Sommers
    Walkin' Horse Pig

    Posts : 131
    Age : 22
    Location : Redfern

    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty Re: sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Poppy Selway-Sommers Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:09 pm

    Poppy bounded up the stairs of the lighthouse, excited to see her bestest frand for the first time this school year. She'd spent a week in Solas with Frances this past summer, but that felt like ages ago, now.

    "Oh, Francooooiiis!" Poppy called as she threw open the door at the top. She grinned widely when Frances, who was leaning against the railing, presumably looked over at her. "Ahhhh!" Poppy squealed happily, running over and giving good ol' Francois a giant hug. She'd been waiting alllll day for Frances to finish up with her Lilycove's Kids work, and was thrilled that the time had finally come. She was proud of Frances for the work she did, but she also selfishly wished she had more time to spend with her.

    "Oh my gosh, is that food?" Poppy said, noticing the basket. "Ugh, have I ever told you you're my favorite clio in the entire world?"
    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty Re: sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Frances Warren Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:18 pm

    "Hey," Frances said cooly with a smile as Poppy bombarded her with a big hug, which Frances happily reciprocated. She had always enjoyed the nickname 'Francois,' which Poppy had given her when they first met. She wished she had a nickname for Poppy, but Poppy's name was already so cute.

    She smiled goofily when Poppy noticed the food, which she knew she'd love.

    "Ugh, have I ever told you you're my favorite clio in the entire world?"

    "Only every time we see each other," she said with a laugh. "And you know I only bring you the best food, so..." she started, leaning on her knees and opening the picnic basket, "here's the Vineyard's best wild salmon, 'caught right from the port of the island!'" Frances mocked the enthusiasm of the catering staff.

    "It has some sort of aioli on it, and some...I don't know, fancy roasted almond brown butter or something. Anyway, I had a few bites and it was delicious. Most of the kids just wanted the fried chicken anyway," she said with a laugh. "And, of course --" she quickly pulled out the champagne, looking at Poppy with a huge grin, " -- shampanya!"
    Poppy Selway-Sommers
    Poppy Selway-Sommers
    Walkin' Horse Pig

    Posts : 131
    Age : 22
    Location : Redfern

    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty Re: sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Poppy Selway-Sommers Fri Aug 25, 2017 5:26 pm

    Poppy put a hand over her chest and sighed. "You sure know the way to a girl's heart." Poppy flopped down next to Frances and the two girls pulled out the leftovers from the dinner and made up their plates. Poppy swiped a finger through the glaze on her cut of salmon and popped it into her mouth. "It is truly everything I hoped it would be," she said, shaking her head in wonder.

    She poured the shampanya into two red solo cups and handed one to Frances. "Cheers," she said with a grin, tipping her cup toward Frances. Poppy took a deep drink, and her eyes widened. "Wow, they really didn't skimp on anything, did they?" she asked, looking into her cup at the delicious alcohol. The stark difference between what she was drinking now and what she'd be drinking tonight was almost comical.

    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty Re: sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Frances Warren Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:23 pm

    Frances tipped her cup to Poppy and drank as well. "Well, I did go a little out of the way to get something special for us," she said with a wink. She dug a fork into the fancy food, which was thoroughly satisfying., that was so good.

    "The restaurants that donate this food think they're doing good by giving their fancy dishes to the 'poor homeless kids' from across Amelia, but really all they're doing is feeding you and me, ha!" She cackled, taking another sip of champagne. She missed this feeling of being at home with somebody.

    "So," she said between bites, "are you even gonna settle so you can buy your own alcohol?"

    Posts : 24
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    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty Re: sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Admin Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:39 pm

    Francois wrote:So, are you even gonna settle so you can buy your own alcohol?

    Poppy, who had a forkful of food halfway to her mouth paused to close one eye and stick her tongue out. "Not everyone can be as mature as you, Miss "I Settled at Fifteen"," she joked. She finished her bite. "At this rate I'll probably be forty-seven before I settle," Poppy said dramatically, despite the fact that she'd only turned fifteen a few months ago.

    "I was hoping I'd settle before Henri," she laughed. She and her brother were only eleven months apart (Irish twins--wherever Ireland was), and she'd really hoped she'd settle early and he late. The nerd had settled right after he'd turned sixteen though. Lame. "I guess we can't have everything we want." She shrugged, a smile on her face. Frances had met her brother once or twice, and definitely knew that Poppy liked to bother him when she was in the mood.
    Poppy Selway-Sommers
    Poppy Selway-Sommers
    Walkin' Horse Pig

    Posts : 131
    Age : 22
    Location : Redfern

    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty Re: sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Poppy Selway-Sommers Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:40 pm

    Francois wrote:So, are you even gonna settle so you can buy your own alcohol?

    Poppy, who had a forkful of food halfway to her mouth paused to close one eye and stick her tongue out. "Not everyone can be as mature as you, Miss "I Settled at Fifteen"," she joked. She finished her bite. "At this rate I'll probably be forty-seven before I settle," Poppy said dramatically, despite the fact that she'd only turned fifteen a few months ago.

    "I was hoping I'd settle before Henri," she laughed. She and her brother were only eleven months apart (Irish twins--wherever Ireland was), and she'd really hoped she'd settle early and he late. The nerd had settled right after he'd turned sixteen though. Lame. "I guess we can't have everything we want." She shrugged, a smile on her face. Frances had met her brother once or twice, and definitely knew that Poppy liked to bother him when she was in the mood.
    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty Re: sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Frances Warren Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:22 pm

    Frances laughed along with Poppy's joke about settling. "It'll happen, maybe sooner than you think. I know not everyone can be as great as me, but I believe in you, Poppy," Frances said joke-dreamily with a hand longingly over her heart. She laughed and drank more of her drink.

    "Have you given thought to which eilemaiden you'll choose?" Frances asked a little more seriously. Frances had been able to visit Solas at a young age and had fallen deeply in love with it, which led to a deep fascination and investment in the eilemaiden. She had been well-versed in Solas history and craft for years before choosing it while settling. She wondered if Poppy had any experiences like hers.
    Poppy Selway-Sommers
    Poppy Selway-Sommers
    Walkin' Horse Pig

    Posts : 131
    Age : 22
    Location : Redfern

    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty Re: sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Poppy Selway-Sommers Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:32 pm

    "Honestly, not really," Poppy said, popping a grape into her mouth. "I mean, there's Nadar and Adhbhar, because of my mom and dad." A lot of clio seemed to pick eilemaiden that their parents had picked, possibly because they had grown up around them so intimately, but Poppy had never really felt inclined toward either one. "Nadar would obviously be cool to help explore, but I kinda want something that's my own, you know?"

    She took a sip of her drink. "Sometimes when I'm thinking about it I bounce back and forth between Cuir and Deilig. Cuir for the obvious reason, Deilig because it seems like no one I know ever chooses it." Poppy knew there was a stigma around Deilig because of the war, but that had always seemed silly to her.
    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty Re: sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Frances Warren Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:06 am

    Frances nodded, listening to Poppy's thoughts. "Yeah, that makes sense. Coming from someone without parents, I would suggest finding something that fits right with you. Just you. So I would say go with Cuir or Deilig -- not because of some political thing you don't get, but because of what sits right with your personality and being. Do you feel like Deilig makes sense for you? Or Cuir? Do you feel light? Do you feel like you have a connection with the shadow that follows you?"

    Frances noticed that she was getting too into it. She had served as a mentor for lots of kids who had no idea how to choose an eilemaiden, so this was pretty casual for her. She hoped to help Poppy but not overstep her boundaries as a friend.
    Poppy Selway-Sommers
    Poppy Selway-Sommers
    Walkin' Horse Pig

    Posts : 131
    Age : 22
    Location : Redfern

    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty Re: sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Poppy Selway-Sommers Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:18 am

    Poppy laughed. "You're always so deep," she told her. "So serious." Poppy, on the other hand, was not like that at all. She didn't really think there was a deeper meaning behind which eilemaiden you chose, at least not which eilemaiden she'd choose. "Honestly I think it'll come down to whether I'd rather fly or see in the dark," she said with a laugh. "Both are such cool options...but which is the coolest?"

    She finished off her glass and poured herself another before offering to top Frances' off. After she screwed the lid back on she looked out at the sunset. It was beautiful--reds and yellows and oranges and pinks. It was incredible how much the coloring of the sky had changed in just the short time she'd been here. "Wow, look at that," she said in awe. "Now, imagine if I could fly out there. I'd pick you up and we'd just take off!" Cuir would definitely be awesome.
    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty Re: sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Frances Warren Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:30 am

    "Oh my gods," Frances said under her breath with a laugh. Choosing your eilemaiden was so much more than figuring out what 'powers' you'd get -- it was about finding what matched you. What fit your interests and goals and individuality best? Each clio fit well with an eilemaiden, and you couldn't settle until you realized which one was the one you were meant to be.

    But Frances let that go. She knew that Poppy wasn't about to change her entire outlook to fit Frances'. She took a look at the sunset, allowing for a moment to fully embrace it. The sunset was truly beautiful. She accepted Poppy's refill offer.

    "I would love to fly right into that," she said thoughtfully, imagining the two of them flying into the distance together. That would mean everything to Frances.

    "But you'd probably drop me," Frances said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. Things had gotten a bit too serious, thanks to...well, herself. She took a loooong sip of her newly-filled drink, feeling a little bit tipsy.
    Poppy Selway-Sommers
    Poppy Selway-Sommers
    Walkin' Horse Pig

    Posts : 131
    Age : 22
    Location : Redfern

    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty Re: sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Poppy Selway-Sommers Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:56 am

    "Oh, please," Poppy said lightly. "I'd never drop my Francois." She took a sip of her champagne and imagined being light as air, able to jump off the platform they sat on. If she could fly she felt like she'd never walk again. She pictured herself swooping around, Frances on her back. It was funny to imagine, but it could become a reality if she'd just settle already.

    They sat in comfortable silence for awhile before Poppy finally piped up, "Yeah, I think I'm gonna go with Cuir." She laughed out loud, finding humor in how quickly she'd gone from "I have no idea" to "FLYING!!1!" but, come on. Flying.

    "I don't need to see in the dark because you can just make a light to guide our way as I fly you all over Amelia." She grinned and laid her head on Frances' shoulder. "Guess we're gonna be stuck together forever, huh?"
    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty Re: sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Frances Warren Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:11 am

    Frances had a big smile on her face as Poppy laid her head on her shoulder and talked about 'forever.' Sometimes Frances thought that she was reading too far into their friendship, that maybe she was just filling in the gaps of their time together with fantastical ideas about their friendship...that maybe Poppy didn't care for Frances as much as Frances cared for Poppy.

    But it was times like these that allowed her to push those anxious and self-doubting thoughts away and see the reality in front of her. Frances hoped that they really would be friends forever.

    "Do you want to come live with me in Solas when you graduate?" she asked abruptly. "I mean, it wouldn't have to be Solas...we could go anywhere."
    Poppy Selway-Sommers
    Poppy Selway-Sommers
    Walkin' Horse Pig

    Posts : 131
    Age : 22
    Location : Redfern

    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty Re: sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Poppy Selway-Sommers Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:36 am

    Poppy had never actually thought of where she would live after she graduated. She was very comfortable right where she was in life, and hadn't considered what life would look like after Redfern. "That would be awesome!" she said, picking her head up from Frances' shoulder and thinking about it. "Then we could see each other whenever we wanted!" What fifteen year old girl wouldn't want to live with their best friend?

    "After I settle, I'm gonna come visit you all the time," she told her, taking a bite of her food. While she was mostly joking when she talked about wishing she'd settle already, she was looking forward to the freedoms it would bring. Especially now that those freedoms would involve flight. "You're gonna get sick of me," she joked.
    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty Re: sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Frances Warren Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:06 am

    Frances nodded along happily to the idea of seeing Poppy whenever they wanted to see one another. Poppy already did such an amazing job of making Frances feel less alone in the world -- she wondered what fun, goofy, thoughtful things they could do for one another living closer, and what exciting and stupid adventures they could go on. Even just visiting more after settling sounded great to Frances.

    "You're gonna get sick of me."

    "Impossiblé!" she exclaimed, nudging Poppy's shoulder with her own. "If I could ever get sick of you, it would've happened already!" She set down her cup and immediately poked Poppy's ribcage, tickling her.
    Poppy Selway-Sommers
    Poppy Selway-Sommers
    Walkin' Horse Pig

    Posts : 131
    Age : 22
    Location : Redfern

    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty Re: sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Poppy Selway-Sommers Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:51 pm

    "This is truueeee," Poppy said, ending in a squeal when Frances poked her in the side. She swatted Frances' hand away instinctively but missed and instead knocked the solo cup atilt. "Noooo!" Poppy cried as the champagne spilled. "Party foul!" It was a disgrace to waste alcohol--especially when it was as good as this champagne!

    She reached into the basket and grabbed napkins, trying to sop up as much of the champagne as possible so it wouldn't wet their booties. "I'm the worst!" she laughed.
    Frances Warren
    Frances Warren
    Borkon Lover

    Posts : 32
    Age : 23
    Location : Solas

    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty Re: sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Frances Warren Tue Sep 05, 2017 3:33 am

    "I'm the worst!"

    "Oh shush," Frances responded with a smile and laugh, leaning over to grab some more napkins from the picnic basket and wipe up the last of the spill. "Whether you spill our alcohol or know you're the best."

    She looked really genuinely at Poppy, most likely having one of those moments where she wanted to kiss Poppy but knew it was super inappropriate, unwelcome, and just wrong. None of that changed what Frances said though -- she still felt incredibly lucky to have such a great friend. That great friend just happened to have a gay best friend who was a little bit in love with her.
    Poppy Selway-Sommers
    Poppy Selway-Sommers
    Walkin' Horse Pig

    Posts : 131
    Age : 22
    Location : Redfern

    sun set it onto the sky [poppy] Empty Re: sun set it onto the sky [poppy]

    Post by Poppy Selway-Sommers Fri Sep 15, 2017 12:11 pm

    After cleaning up the spilled champagne, the girls laid back on the platform, staring up at the sky and talking about their lives like all good friends do. They each caught up on what was going on with the other, offered advice about whatever was going on in the others' life (sometimes silly, sometimes serious), and continued to snack on the foods that Francois had brought for them to share. They stayed this way late into the night, watching as the pretty pastels from the sunset turned slowly into a dark purple, and then watching as the pin-prick stars made their grand appearance.

    It was exactly the kind of night Poppy had wanted--snuggled next to her best friend, slightly tipsy, and being silly.

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